hewwo, wewcome to the wiki for my game, collect cat
the idea for the game is based on a daydream that came to me, when at the time i was on a long train ride between many different countries.
i thought it would be really cute to make a wiki for the game. please use the menu to ur left to see what i made, or search for something by typing!
mew mewwwww grrrrrrrr grrr myswawwawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
/* meow */ .meowmeow{ --c: #meow; /* meowmeow */ meow: #meowmeow /* meow meow */ meow: #meow; meowmeowmeow meow: meow-meow: meow(meow(--meow)* } .meow-meow:meow, .meow-meow:meow-meow { --meow: meow%; meowmeow } .meow-meow:meow { meow-meow: meow; meow: meow(--meow); meow-meow: meow 0 0 meow #meow; meow: meow; } .meow-meow { meow-meow: meow; meow-meow: meow; meow: 0; meow: meowmeow; meow: .meow .meow; }
/⸌______/\ ( ˶• · • ˶) \/づ ᠊free version available on VRCHAT/ ₊˚✦ .︎~ ( ✦ full version 20$ available on VRCHAT/ $ ᠊°.━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━update statusCOMMENT BOX - please write something!